Thursday, December 20, 2012

Love towards motherland

Before he left London, one of his British friends put this question to him: `Swami, how do you like now your motherland after four years’ experience of the luxurious, glorious, powerful West?’ Swamiji said: `India I loved before I came away. Now the very dust of India has become holy to me, the very air is now to me holy; it is now the holy land,’
The swamiji was non other than swamy Vivekananda
Moral: irrespective how many place you visit ,you’re motherland always seems to be holy

Thursday, December 13, 2012

4 things that u can’t recover

A young lady was waiting for her flight in the boarding room of a big airport. As she had to wait for hours, she decided to buy a book and to spend her time. She bought a packet of cookies too. She sat down on a armchair, in the VIP room of the airport, to rest and read in peace. Beside the armchair where the packet of cookies were kept, a man sat down, opened his magazine and started reading.  When she ate the first cookie, the man took one also. She felt infuriated but didn’t say anything. She just thought: “What a nerve! If I was in the mood I would punch his eye so that he does not forget this daring!” To each cookie she ate, the man ate another one.  That was letting her fume up with rage but she couldn’t react. When only one cookie remained, she thought: “ah... What will this abused man do now?”  Then, the man, divided the last cookie through the middle, giving her the other half. Ah! That was too much!  She was too angry!

Then, she caught her book, caught her things and headed to the boarding place.
When she sat down on her seat, inside the plane, she looked into her purse to take her eyeglasses, and, for her surprise, her packet of cookies was there, untouched, closed!
She felt so  ashamed!! She realized that she was the wrong one...  She had forgotten that her cookies were kept in her purse. The man divided his cookies with her, without feel infuriated, nervous or mad. While she was very mad, thinking that he was dividing her cookies.
And there was no more time to explain herself... Nor to apologize!”

There are 4 things that u can’t recover...
The stone... ...after being shot !
The word... ...after being pronounced !
The occasion... ... after being lost !
The time…. …after gone !

Thursday, December 6, 2012


A young couple moves into a new neighborhood. The next neighbor hang the wash outside. That laundry is not very clean, she said, she doesn't know how to wash correctly. Perhaps she needs better laundry soap. Her husband looked on, but remained silent. Every time her neighbor would hang her wash to dry, the young woman would make the same comments. About one month later, the woman was surprised to see a nice clean wash on the line and said to her husband: "Look! She has learned how to wash correctly. I wonder who taught her this."
The husband said: "I got up early this morning and cleaned our windows!"

Thought to ponder: What we see while watching others depends on the purity of the window through which we look. Before we give any criticism, it might be a good idea to check our state of mind and ask ourselves if we are ready to see the good rather than to be looking for something in the person we are about to judge.